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Marks Point Public School

On completion of the educational artwork Ms Hall had organised at Marks Point School, the P&C members thought they could use Artypants to fix a problem they had for many years, the dark, scary toilet block.

How exciting for us, we can give our knees a break and paint on walls, Woo Hoo !

The brief being - bright (perfect for us), has to include new mascot "Findon" in boys toilet and "Ashley" his friend, in girls toilet. Apart from that the freedom to paint was left to us. Oh and we needed to have some kind of signage so no little girl or boy was left scarred for life from walking in the wrong toilets.



The whole job came together just great, we decided on pirates and mermaids as the theme, with a surfing shark and a special mermaid mirror, where every little girl gets to be a mermaid, princess Mandy included!


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